Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Basic Social Rules

Okay people here's the thing, legitimate human interaction should always come before random blurbs of technology. This is how it goes in order of the most human like contact to the least in the ways of socialization in todays digital age:
  1. Real face to face conversation and physically being in the same room with another person
  2. Skype, where a person is both seen and heard but not actually there
  3. A phone call, hard but not seen
  4. Texting, swift replys to one another but with no real interaction whatsoever
  5. facebook or other social media sites where the person you are trying to comunicate with may or may not even be aware that you are trying to contact them
Now the order of importance should corospond to that. People, when you are spending time with another person, DO NOT take a call unless it is legitimatly important such as from your parents or boss, DO NOT sit there and text the evening away and remove yourself from the perosn or group and DO NOT spend the evening on facebook leaving your friend awkwardly sitting near you.
When Skyping with someone DO NOT text throughout the entire conversation, be on facebook the whole time, or be reading this blog. You are supposed to be skyping them because you WANT to talk to them and see them. If you don't then get off skype. I get it if your text is legitimatly important but usually it isn't. And both facebook, and whatever article you are reading will be there later. If you are reading an article for homework, you probably shouldnt be skyping your friend anyway until you get that done.
If you are on the phone with someone DO NOT partake in activities that are going to distract you from your conversation and make you spacey and unaware of what your friend is ACTUALLY saying and pretend you are listening with occasionsal "mhhm...yeah"s and other stupid impersonal reactions that are entirely fake.
I just wanted to throw that out there because one of my biggest pet peeves has become when people chose to multi task when talking to or spending time with me and/or a small group making me and/or the small group feel less important than whatever random thing you have put as a priorety. Just be courtious people. Use your common sense.

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