Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Current Obsession!
SKYRIM IS COMING!! In my oppinion, this is quite likely to be the greatest game to date. Am I holding Bethesda to unfair standards? No, certainly not! Oblivion WAS the pinicle of awesome and there is no denying it, but Skyrim's gonna trump it, along with anything else you're wasting your time playing! Now what I'm adressing here is this: WHY is Skyrim going to totally pwn all the other games? What's new about it that we did't see in Oblivion? Well here you have it my friends! However To avoid an excess in length, I'm splitting my Skyrim obsessions into various posts so be prepared for a series of blogs titled "Skyrim; (inster specific game aspet here)"...JUST OVER A MONTH TILL THE RELEASE!! haha yay. I'm so pumped, so I'm considering it my official job to get you equally as excited :)
Arrogance; You're just not that cool.
So here's a little blurb on an obnoxious little quality called arroagance. It absolutly drives me insane! Is humility valued in todays culture AT ALL?! There is a FINE LINE between confidence and cockyness. The things some people say...I actually happen to be "friends" (sort of) with personified arrogance. Simply because I don't like to use people's real names on these posts, we are going to call him "Kentucky".
So two years ago my small school that resides in the center of a cornfield got some of its funding cut, eliminating most of our advanced placement classes, including advanced placement english. Therefore the only options we had this year for english when scheduling were regular or college prep (which sucks because I actually love English and I sort of wanted to take advanced placement...). So I signed up for college prep English and the cp class had to do summer reading (something the regular english studunts were lucky enough to avoid) and we had to read A Tale of Two Cities (which I freakin' hated). So we are at our first marching band practice of the year and me, Kentucky, and his new girlfriend are all in the drum line so we are standing around talking and he starts complaining about the book and then I started complaining as well and he says "Wait, what book did you have to read?" I told him Tale of Two Cities, same as him. He then comes back and says "well I didn't know that you guys were reading." Wait..."you guys"? Does he think I'm in regular? "I'm in cp too Kentucky." I said annoyed and then he smugly says with this stupid little grin on his face "oh I know, but I'm in ap." And so now I'm totally offended right, cause I'm like wtf what qualified you for that, I didn't think we had ap. Anyway I brush it off then the first day of school rolls around. The bell rings releasing us to third period I walk in the room and there the little prick sits face turning red, now aware that he's been caught in his lie/attempt to make himself look good and I said "Hey, welcome to ap english." and sat down. WHO LIES ABOUT THESE THINGS?!
Then just a few weeks ago all the seniors had to write an essay for the required American Government class about one of the men who signed the Declaration of Independance. So Kentucky comes up next to Kentucky and pushes the delete button erasing the paper. Well Kentuxky saved his work so he doesn't really car he just laughs it off and then when they are signing off, Beiber goes and exits the document and accidentally pushed the save doccument button saving the blank page over Kentucky's finished work. Kentucky was pretty irritated and then at lunch when telling me, Tuschar (my boyfriend) and Little Red (another kid at our lunch table) this story he ends it with "He's just lucky I'm the most brilliant kid in that class and can turn out another good one." Me, Tusch, and Red all kind of look at eachother unsure of how to take that because my boyfriend does have this "I'm awesome" complex, but it's a joke. Kentucky shows no sign of jest in his face or behavior and then just looks up from his 42nd pb&j and says to us "What?" and so Red is like "A little full of yourself there Kentucky?" and he just starts defending how it's true and whatever.
I have never met someone so obnoxious in all my 18 years of life. Who behaves this way?! I can't wait for him to get out in the real world and gets all up in the corprate space (because he intends to go into a sell out job that he has no real interest in instead of following his dreams because the fool thinks material things = happiness and pharmacy pays well) and is forced to start at the bottem. I hope he gets a wake up call and is forced to realize how absoulutly ridiculous he really is...Sorry, just another pet peeve...I can't stand people. It's a wonder I have any friends... :P
So two years ago my small school that resides in the center of a cornfield got some of its funding cut, eliminating most of our advanced placement classes, including advanced placement english. Therefore the only options we had this year for english when scheduling were regular or college prep (which sucks because I actually love English and I sort of wanted to take advanced placement...). So I signed up for college prep English and the cp class had to do summer reading (something the regular english studunts were lucky enough to avoid) and we had to read A Tale of Two Cities (which I freakin' hated). So we are at our first marching band practice of the year and me, Kentucky, and his new girlfriend are all in the drum line so we are standing around talking and he starts complaining about the book and then I started complaining as well and he says "Wait, what book did you have to read?" I told him Tale of Two Cities, same as him. He then comes back and says "well I didn't know that you guys were reading." Wait..."you guys"? Does he think I'm in regular? "I'm in cp too Kentucky." I said annoyed and then he smugly says with this stupid little grin on his face "oh I know, but I'm in ap." And so now I'm totally offended right, cause I'm like wtf what qualified you for that, I didn't think we had ap. Anyway I brush it off then the first day of school rolls around. The bell rings releasing us to third period I walk in the room and there the little prick sits face turning red, now aware that he's been caught in his lie/attempt to make himself look good and I said "Hey, welcome to ap english." and sat down. WHO LIES ABOUT THESE THINGS?!
Then just a few weeks ago all the seniors had to write an essay for the required American Government class about one of the men who signed the Declaration of Independance. So Kentucky comes up next to Kentucky and pushes the delete button erasing the paper. Well Kentuxky saved his work so he doesn't really car he just laughs it off and then when they are signing off, Beiber goes and exits the document and accidentally pushed the save doccument button saving the blank page over Kentucky's finished work. Kentucky was pretty irritated and then at lunch when telling me, Tuschar (my boyfriend) and Little Red (another kid at our lunch table) this story he ends it with "He's just lucky I'm the most brilliant kid in that class and can turn out another good one." Me, Tusch, and Red all kind of look at eachother unsure of how to take that because my boyfriend does have this "I'm awesome" complex, but it's a joke. Kentucky shows no sign of jest in his face or behavior and then just looks up from his 42nd pb&j and says to us "What?" and so Red is like "A little full of yourself there Kentucky?" and he just starts defending how it's true and whatever.
I have never met someone so obnoxious in all my 18 years of life. Who behaves this way?! I can't wait for him to get out in the real world and gets all up in the corprate space (because he intends to go into a sell out job that he has no real interest in instead of following his dreams because the fool thinks material things = happiness and pharmacy pays well) and is forced to start at the bottem. I hope he gets a wake up call and is forced to realize how absoulutly ridiculous he really is...Sorry, just another pet peeve...I can't stand people. It's a wonder I have any friends... :P
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Basic Social Rules
Okay people here's the thing, legitimate human interaction should always come before random blurbs of technology. This is how it goes in order of the most human like contact to the least in the ways of socialization in todays digital age:
When Skyping with someone DO NOT text throughout the entire conversation, be on facebook the whole time, or be reading this blog. You are supposed to be skyping them because you WANT to talk to them and see them. If you don't then get off skype. I get it if your text is legitimatly important but usually it isn't. And both facebook, and whatever article you are reading will be there later. If you are reading an article for homework, you probably shouldnt be skyping your friend anyway until you get that done.
If you are on the phone with someone DO NOT partake in activities that are going to distract you from your conversation and make you spacey and unaware of what your friend is ACTUALLY saying and pretend you are listening with occasionsal "mhhm...yeah"s and other stupid impersonal reactions that are entirely fake.
I just wanted to throw that out there because one of my biggest pet peeves has become when people chose to multi task when talking to or spending time with me and/or a small group making me and/or the small group feel less important than whatever random thing you have put as a priorety. Just be courtious people. Use your common sense.
- Real face to face conversation and physically being in the same room with another person
- Skype, where a person is both seen and heard but not actually there
- A phone call, hard but not seen
- Texting, swift replys to one another but with no real interaction whatsoever
- facebook or other social media sites where the person you are trying to comunicate with may or may not even be aware that you are trying to contact them
When Skyping with someone DO NOT text throughout the entire conversation, be on facebook the whole time, or be reading this blog. You are supposed to be skyping them because you WANT to talk to them and see them. If you don't then get off skype. I get it if your text is legitimatly important but usually it isn't. And both facebook, and whatever article you are reading will be there later. If you are reading an article for homework, you probably shouldnt be skyping your friend anyway until you get that done.
If you are on the phone with someone DO NOT partake in activities that are going to distract you from your conversation and make you spacey and unaware of what your friend is ACTUALLY saying and pretend you are listening with occasionsal "mhhm...yeah"s and other stupid impersonal reactions that are entirely fake.
I just wanted to throw that out there because one of my biggest pet peeves has become when people chose to multi task when talking to or spending time with me and/or a small group making me and/or the small group feel less important than whatever random thing you have put as a priorety. Just be courtious people. Use your common sense.
Why I will give The Flash no props
Alrighty I expect this to be fairly brief for my standards, I just would really like to get this out here. My boyfriend's favorite super hero is The Flash and I quite frankly don't understand it at all, and believe me I'm all for trying to understand things that I don't get about his life. He is WAY into wresteling and I thought it was ridiculous until I heard him out and let him tell me about it and why he likes it and now I totally respect his interest in it. However despite countelss comic related debates, I can't wrap my head around his love of The Flash. I get that he was struck by lightning which is pretty cool and I know Tusch (my boyfriend's name for internet security that's not his real name. It's a nickname and I'm going to use it in order to stop repeating the phrase "my boyfriend") thinks it's cool that he is "under-rated" but lets be serious now. For any super hero that I have an interest in I can provide a real legitimate argument for why he is cool. Now I don't have a huge compelling argument for why I DON'T like The Flash, I just don't and I can answer why with a short blurb. He's really not all that impressive. The point I left Tuschar with today as he was dissing my Batman shirt was simply this: Even if we lived in an alternate universe where it was possible to gain super powers by the means that super heroes in the comics we read do and there were supr villians running ramped of equal caliber to those presented in comic books and films, it would STILL be incredibly unrealistic for a guy who's only ability was "super speed" to consistantly defeat said super villians unless you consider retreating and hiding away a "victory". And even if never harmed by a villian due to his ability to flee from the situation he did not save the doomed town that would now need to have a legitimate super hero come and save them from this perrel as The Flash would have to leave the job undone. Yes I know that in his comics he does always reign victorious, but like I said, when compared to others he falls flat, and if you put him in an alternate universe where this was all possible he is STILL unrealistic even within fantasy. If anyone has a real argument for why The Flash is "cool" drop a comment, because I really am curious. Thank ya my fellow nerds, I appriciate your time and oppinions.
comic book,
super hero,
Gwen Stacey?!
Thats right folks, we are starting over with this Spiderman on the big screen business and this time, we're doing it right. Gwen Stacey will now be the light of Spidey's eye and his reason to do what he does. Now here's whats up, all you silly folks who like to say that Mary J was Spiderman's REAL're wrong. You know nothing about the comics, you watched Holywoods version of the story, and now suddenly you think you're the expert. Well you're not. The whole movie series is messed up. Spiderman was NOT in fact fawning after Mary Jane when he became Spiderman and yes I know Gwen Stacey got a cameo in the last Spiderman movie...and that also was wrong. Here's the real deal: Spiderman LOVED Gwen Stacey. She was all he wanted. What came between him and his dream girl? She got too close and therefore died as one will when getting involved with the dangerous life of a super hero. Now this being said Mary J came AFTER her death therefore he loved Gwen first and your first love WILL ALWAYS hold a place in your heart making Gwen a more prominant piece to his life anyway. Aside from that after her death there was an entire comic book series dedicated to an alternate universe where she didn't die and they could be together. Why? Because their love was strong and real and way more important than his infatuation with Mary J. By the way that goes back to my comment about her cameo being way false because news flash: Gwen Stacey was DEAD by the time Mary Jane came into the picture at all. And lastly I would like to let you all know that in the new Spiderman movies the wonderful Gwen Stacey will be played by no other than the lovely and talanted Emma Stone! Making it EVEN MORE FANTASTIC! So don't hate people, if you were real Spidey fans, you would want this :)
comic book,
Emma Stone,
Gwen Stacey,
Mary Jane,
Who you should and shouldn't allow to work on your big film
Basically this is a tribute to the people who it's worth mentioning in the previews. You know, when they are all like "staring, directed by, produced by, from the writers of....something GREAT!!" And then you KNOW you have to see it? Or sometimes they say the same thing and you KNOW you won't see it? Well here you go. The people who make me run to the theater, and the people who make me run from the theater. Let's start with a tribute to the wonderful people first, I'll try to be brief simply because there are quite a few.
Bradley Cooper
Tim Burton
He is easily the most eccentric, quirky, origional, and unique director I've ever seen. He is a genious. plain and simple. I've never seen a film under his name that I wasn't addicted to.
Johnny Depp
Before you even call me on it yes I know he fits both of the above. He is both a beautiful man and a staple of Tim Burton films. However neither are his reason for being here. Johnny Depp is probably one of the most if not THEE MOST talanted actors of our time and there is no denying it. He can take on any character with any accent and any disposition any time on the drop of a dime, and do it with shear brilliance.
Jack Black
The dude is comedy genious. I'm sad to say however he has little to no diversity. He ALWAYS plays Jack Black. It is shown through with his tone and little manorisms every time, however, for me, that never gets old with him.
Michael Cera
He as well as Jack Black is another of those who is always cast the same, but for some reason I never get tired of his quirky, awkward chaaracter. However I do believe my friend Sam from english last year and American History the year prior to that may have gotten tired of me calling him Bleaker due to my obsession and his strange manorisms and love of orange tic tacs...aside from that though, I do sometimes worry that Mr. Cera could possibly be replaced with the less amusing but similarly casted guy who plays Ohio in Zombieland and who is in that movie about creating Facebook. I certainly hope not...
Emma Stone
She's pretty, she's witty, she's got a firey attitude, and she's always cast as the famale embodyment of AWESOME. basically if she is in a movie you can expact that it's going to be good...and on the rare occasion (which I am yet to see) when it's NOT, you can assume she will still be nothing short of brilliant.
Steve Carell
And once again I put up a truely funny man simply because I am quite a comedy fan. Not much to say for good ole Stever except that he is one of those people who is pleasantly and unexpectedly funny inserting add-lib humor into almost everything he does. In addition he is one of the few comedians that is (usually) family friendly.
She's pretty, she's witty, she's got a firey attitude, and she's always cast as the famale embodyment of AWESOME. basically if she is in a movie you can expact that it's going to be good...and on the rare occasion (which I am yet to see) when it's NOT, you can assume she will still be nothing short of brilliant.
Will Ferrell
Again, COMEDY GENIOUS! But more diverse than jack Black and Michael Cera. He always plays a slightly different version of his character, each as amusing as the other (except for Elf, which was still very amusing but very much a different character)

Steve Carell
And once again I put up a truely funny man simply because I am quite a comedy fan. Not much to say for good ole Stever except that he is one of those people who is pleasantly and unexpectedly funny inserting add-lib humor into almost everything he does. In addition he is one of the few comedians that is (usually) family friendly.
Jemaine Clement
Now I'm assuming you aren't familiar with this name or face so please give me a moment to explain. Jemaine is an actor and musician from the far away land of New Zealand. He plays bass for a comedy "folk" band called "Flight of the Conchords". The two man band also had two seasons of it's own show featuring both band members (Jemaine and Bret who played a small role in Lord of the Rings) living in new York and being managed by Rhys Darby (the boss guy from Yes Man with Jim Carry) and it was an excelent show. Other than that Jemaine is in a few movies from New Zealand (Eagle vs. Shark, Tongan Ninja, and one other with a name that is currently escaping me) and they are all hilarious. he was a voice actor in Rio and Despicable Me (however in Despicable Me you wouldn't be able to tell as his voice was then heavily altered as he played the role of a minion) and the only big American film I can think of where he has shown his face was Dinner for Schmucks where he worked with Steve Carell and a woman who played his stalked fan in his tv series. Plain and simple Jemaine is hilarious. He is always blatent, naive, and outright hysterical. If you don't know this guy I recomend you watch some of his stuff. It's really quite brilliant. If you DO know of him and are a fan like me, look forward to the next Men in black movie which I believe comes out in 2012 in which Jemaine will play a villian.
Helena Bonham Carter
Once again a basic staple to Tim Burton films and an AMAZINGLY talanted actress. My two favorite roles of her's are more than likely Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter (and yes I am such a nerd that for BOTH parts to the Deathly Hallows I dressed up like her from head to toe and went to a midnight show about an hour south of my hometown.) And Ms. Lovette from Sweeney Todd. I am a big musical fan and I absolutly LOVE Sweeney Todd and I would absolutly kill (sorry I had to) to play her part in that show. She's wonderful.
Leonardo Dicaprio
Really, it's Leonardo Di-freakin-caprio! How much explaination does this really require?! He is an incredibly talanted actor and an instant classic in everything he does. (p.s. HOW AWESOME WAS INCEPTION?!!)
Okay so basically if you ever make it as a big time director, higher one or all of these people to make epic movies! However there are a few actors that will instantly DOOM your film...I only have two for that list...but here you have it. The only two actors that WILL make me leave and demand my money back.
Jason Bateman
The dude is creepy. First of all I just thought all the characters from Juno were so real and so relatable that I will now always view him as a child rapist type of guy because he came onto her. Second, he is awkward and creepy! e walways does that weird laugh and it just makes me uncomfortable. I just really can't stand watching movies he's in. Ick.
Once again a basic staple to Tim Burton films and an AMAZINGLY talanted actress. My two favorite roles of her's are more than likely Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter (and yes I am such a nerd that for BOTH parts to the Deathly Hallows I dressed up like her from head to toe and went to a midnight show about an hour south of my hometown.) And Ms. Lovette from Sweeney Todd. I am a big musical fan and I absolutly LOVE Sweeney Todd and I would absolutly kill (sorry I had to) to play her part in that show. She's wonderful.
Ellen Page
She's just adorable. Her quirky and relatable naivity in Juno was great and so likeable. Actually the movie was so good that ever since I've been a HUGE fan over Ellen Page and everything she does as well as Michael Cera and Have a Major adversion to Jason Bateman...creep.
Sean Connery
He is simply the concept that is "bad-ass" personified. James Bond, the father of Indiana Jones, and portayer of Allan Quatermain, a legendary big game hunter and incredibly skilled shooter from the book "King Solomon's Mines" in the totally incredible movie based on litterary "super heroes", The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. This man is a big screen god.

Leonardo Dicaprio
Really, it's Leonardo Di-freakin-caprio! How much explaination does this really require?! He is an incredibly talanted actor and an instant classic in everything he does. (p.s. HOW AWESOME WAS INCEPTION?!!)
Okay so basically if you ever make it as a big time director, higher one or all of these people to make epic movies! However there are a few actors that will instantly DOOM your film...I only have two for that list...but here you have it. The only two actors that WILL make me leave and demand my money back.

Jason Bateman
The dude is creepy. First of all I just thought all the characters from Juno were so real and so relatable that I will now always view him as a child rapist type of guy because he came onto her. Second, he is awkward and creepy! e walways does that weird laugh and it just makes me uncomfortable. I just really can't stand watching movies he's in. Ick.
Nicholas Cage
In my oppinion, he is easily the most no talant man in the business. I know you all disagree and hate me for saying that but quite frankly I don't care. That face he is making in the image to the right....that's the only emotion he is capable of portaying. That ridiculously blank and bored face combined with a monotone voice the rivals "Bueler...Bueler...Bueler" could mean happiness, sadness, confusion, hatrid, dissapointment, or any number of other emotions. I won't say everything he was in sucked, but he did suck in everything he has ever been in and you can't actually enjoy the movie until you get past his general stench of failure. And on that note I would like to say this: National Treasure was the biggest waste of my time run-around I have ever seen (yes both times as I am a completionist so after seeing the first I did force myself to see the second giving the binifet of the doubt only to discover i hated it just as much) They are up there in the top three WORST movies I have ever seen (along with The Box starring Cameron Diaz and her ridiculously fake accent).
Now my friend's that is all. I know you may not agree with all my opinions, but this is how it get out there and film something worth watching..THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT YOU PERV! Haha kidding of course, none of you lovely internet dwellers even ave filthy enough minds to catch that joke, right ;)
Bradley Cooper,
Ellen Page,
Emma Stone,
Helena Bonham Carter,
Jack Black,
Jemaine Clement,
Johnny Depp,
Leonardo Dicaprio,
Michael Cera,
Sean Connery,
Steve Carell,
Tim Burton,
Will Ferrell
Monday, October 3, 2011
Ladies, come on now.
Okay look, I get that there was this big feminist movement in the 90's and now we are all supposed to be equal and stuff...and thats great! I'm totally about equal oppertunities in the work place and equal pay and not NEEDING to have a guy to survive and not being sterotyped...all good things...but lets get real for a second. I know you don't NEED to have a boyfriend/fiance/husband to like...sustain your life or anything, but don't pretend you're not happy when you're with a really good one.
I'm really really quite sick of the girls who are all "all the good guys in the world are either taken or gay!" Weeeeeelll news flash, the good ones are taken by the ones who get that feminism has it's time and place but don't have to go all chick supremacy on them all the time.
Chivalry. Is it dead? Kinda. Should it be? I dunno about that. If a guy wants to open your car door, it doesn't mean he thinks your helpess. It simply means he was raised right and knows that you should do kind things for people you care about and hey guess what, HE CARES ABOUT YOU. It's just the nice thing to do. Am I guilty of opening the car door into my boyfriends nether-regions by accident when he told me to wait so he could open the door? Yes. Did I do it to attack him or because I found it innappropriate? NO! It was simply because I was the last one sitting in the car and I began to feel awkward and thought one of the other occupants of the car had tried to stop him to talk before making it to my door. There is nothing wrong with letting him do something nice and simple for you every now and then, it makes him feel good about himself and it SHOULD make you feel loved, not dehumanized.
And second, he supports you. In everything you do. Whether its your job, your hobbies, your sports, whatever...he supports you. So support him. If he likes something that doesn't make sense to you, do not ridicule him. Try to understand it. I know you don't like wrestling or football, but that doesn't mean you have to tall him it's stupid.
For starters I know I need to learn from myself a bit on that last one, because I know what I saw as good natured rivalry seems to have gone too far and become borderline offensive...and my boyfriend doesn't need that from me because he is a wonderful guy, and if you happen to have one of those few fantastic men in this world, let go of your pride for a sec, and really look at what you have. I just wanted to share that with you because my mom doesn't appriciate my dad at all, and I've seen so many relationships go this way then she wonders why, so take my advice. I pinkey swear I'm right.
Now Boys, on that note, don't be so traditional. If your girlfriend can kick your butt, there's no shame in it. It just happens sometimes. Just sayin ;)
I'm really really quite sick of the girls who are all "all the good guys in the world are either taken or gay!" Weeeeeelll news flash, the good ones are taken by the ones who get that feminism has it's time and place but don't have to go all chick supremacy on them all the time.
Chivalry. Is it dead? Kinda. Should it be? I dunno about that. If a guy wants to open your car door, it doesn't mean he thinks your helpess. It simply means he was raised right and knows that you should do kind things for people you care about and hey guess what, HE CARES ABOUT YOU. It's just the nice thing to do. Am I guilty of opening the car door into my boyfriends nether-regions by accident when he told me to wait so he could open the door? Yes. Did I do it to attack him or because I found it innappropriate? NO! It was simply because I was the last one sitting in the car and I began to feel awkward and thought one of the other occupants of the car had tried to stop him to talk before making it to my door. There is nothing wrong with letting him do something nice and simple for you every now and then, it makes him feel good about himself and it SHOULD make you feel loved, not dehumanized.
And second, he supports you. In everything you do. Whether its your job, your hobbies, your sports, whatever...he supports you. So support him. If he likes something that doesn't make sense to you, do not ridicule him. Try to understand it. I know you don't like wrestling or football, but that doesn't mean you have to tall him it's stupid.
For starters I know I need to learn from myself a bit on that last one, because I know what I saw as good natured rivalry seems to have gone too far and become borderline offensive...and my boyfriend doesn't need that from me because he is a wonderful guy, and if you happen to have one of those few fantastic men in this world, let go of your pride for a sec, and really look at what you have. I just wanted to share that with you because my mom doesn't appriciate my dad at all, and I've seen so many relationships go this way then she wonders why, so take my advice. I pinkey swear I'm right.
Now Boys, on that note, don't be so traditional. If your girlfriend can kick your butt, there's no shame in it. It just happens sometimes. Just sayin ;)
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